Ralph (Joe) Joseph II
WOW, time for a little celebrating! 25 invoices created and posted in less than 1 hour with no errors, awesome!
Joel Bertaud
Hello Anil, IT’s our second day in Production for Intersand’s RPA. We wanted to take a moment to thank you and your team for the great job accomplished so far. Our Bots are running well. We are very happy to see bots running while we are taking a glass of wine (I’m kidding !) Of […]
Joel Bertaud
Hello, That’s a big step !!!! Congrats guys !!! And thank you for the continuous improvement. Cheers Joel
Dominic L. Perrier
That’s wonderful! Thank you so much for all your effort for this improvement. It will save a great deal of time. Can we apply the same thing for bot#6 (only packing slip & order slip) and invoice (only the invoice) ? Best regards,
Dominic L. Perrier
Hello Anil, I just wanted to thank you for all the effort Predikly have done so far. Your team is dedicated to the long-term success of the processes we automated with them. They are also driving us toward getting the minimum viable product in place as fast as we can. These two strengths are bringing […]