Artificial Intelligence

AI/ML Models Deployed Across Multiple Industries
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Data Processed
0 TB
Annotations Completed Across Multiple Use Cases
0 K+

Predikly's Artificial Intelligence & Data Expertise

Unlock the potential of AI and ML with Predikly as your strategic partner. As per Statista, the market for AI & ML services is projected to grow substantially, reaching a volume of US$528.10 billion by 2030. Generative AI, especially in natural language processing and content creation, is set to advance continuously.

Investing in AI/ML equips companies with innovation and efficiency, offering a competitive edge. These technologies facilitate informed decision-making, task automation, and workflow optimization, enhancing productivity. Embrace this transformative journey with Predikly to thrive in the era of data-driven decision-making.

Ready to lead with AI/ML? Begin Your Journey with Predikly Today.

Our Expertise

Predikly offers below AI services to implement overall AI strategy
Machine Learning

From model building to deployment, Predikly builds machine learning models to analyse complex data and derive optimal business value. Predikly's service extends beyond building ML models, encompassing the entire lifecycle from ideation to deployment. We ensure that the ML models are scalable, secure, and integrated seamlessly with existing business processes, enhancing predictive capabilities and decision-making precision.

Generative AI

Unlock new possibilities with our innovative Gen AI solutions. From test and dev engineering to knowledge database and content generation, we utilize LLMs to drive your enterprise business. Predikly's generative AI harnesses the latest advancements to create unique data and media, fostering innovation and intellectual property generation. These AI models are pivotal in developing new products, services, and content, thereby reshaping industries.

Data Engineering

From Data acquisition, data cleaning, continuous data collection to data management - We have done all of it. Our Data Engineering services help businesses get the most out of their data using advanced analytics solutions. This involves deploying sophisticated algorithms and data processing techniques to provide enterprises with a robust foundation for analytics and AI applications.

Data Annotation

Accurately annotate your Text, Image, Audio, and Video data to improve your AI and ML models. Our data annotation experts work with the top annotation tools such as CVAT, SAM, etc. for achieving the highest level of accuracy and efficiency. We employ a rigorous quality control process that scrutinizes the annotated data for consistency and relevance, thereby refining machine learning models for superior performance.

Our Case Studies

At Predikly, we have experience of delivering AI solutions to various business use cases such as:

Stock Price Prediction for US Market

Stock Market Long Term Strategy for US Market

Automated Disease Detection for Oranges

Species Growth monitoring

Species Health monitoring

Species Behaviour monitoring

Fraud Detection

Sentiment Analysis

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Applications

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Elevate Your Business with AI Today!

Leverage the power of AI to revolutionize your business.