Jodie and Grey

“The service we receive from Predikly is fantastic – the technical competence and attention to detail are brilliant. We would not be here without you. We feel you and the team give a higher than expected service. The only area for improvement would be that sometimes the replies on GIT need some more detail so […]

Parks Barker

This is definitely a big step in our cash reconciliation process. We will continue to monitor the application throughout next week’s Close and into future months. Thank you both to the Predikly and the CMT IT Teams for making this possible and creating large efficiency gains in the Accounting department. Thank you! Parks

Brooke Kingston

Thank YOU, Rutika and team! We are really excited about this go-live!

Greg Hartigan

I just want to commend Amit and his team for the fantastic progress made on caseflowhr so far. The improvements have exceeded my expectations and are testimony to the technical expertise, work ethic and brilliant customer service of Amit and his team. Many thanks

Greg Hartigan

The Directors of Pragmatik HR Ltd have asked me to express their appreciation for the tremendous efforts made on our behalf by you and your team. Already caseflowhr is performing better than it ever has before. The past two weeks have been an excellent start to our working relationship, and we look forward to a […]

Alex Fleming

Hi Amit The UK team at TalkOut would like to thank you, and show our appreciation for the tremendous effort you made to fix blocking defects for the sprint 17 release last weekend. You always show a huge amount of dedication and commitment, and are a real asset to our team. Many thanks,

Ralph (Joe) Joseph II

WOW, time for a little celebrating! 25 invoices created and posted in less than 1 hour with no errors, awesome!

Joel Bertaud

Hello Anil, IT’s our second day in Production for Intersand’s RPA. We wanted to take a moment to thank you and your team for the great job accomplished so far. Our Bots are running well. We are very happy to see bots running while we are taking a glass of wine (I’m kidding !) Of […]

Joel Bertaud

Hello, That’s a big step !!!! Congrats guys !!! And thank you for the continuous improvement. Cheers Joel

Dominic L. Perrier

That’s wonderful! Thank you so much for all your effort for this improvement. It will save a great deal of time. Can we apply the same thing for bot#6 (only packing slip & order slip) and invoice (only the invoice) ? Best regards,